If you have questions about Yolanda, please send an e-mail to !
Yolanda is still a young, small mixed-breed bitch born in October 2023, who came into our care with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Welfare Foundation.
Yolanda is an incredibly friendly little girl whose background is unknown, but she has heartworms. She is very demanding of human companionship, but also makes friends quickly with other dogs.
We would very much like her heartworm to not be a hindrance to her being adopted into a family. What is an advantage is that she is already neutered, so she can continue her treatment with her new family.
We fell in love with Clumsy's ears from the first moment we met her and sometimes sneak her into our shelter office. We can tell she is a model dog who doesn't pack but spies us with her wonderful eyes.
Yolanda is vaccinated, chipped, neutered with continued heartworm treatment and ready for adoption as a family member.
To inquire about her and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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