If you have questions about Telek Tercia, please send an e-mail to !
An animal lover asked for help for a mother and her 5 couple of week old babies who ran into an empty lot. The mother was very shy, but luckily she was also caught. After the family reunification, together with the caring mother, they are ready be rehomed.
Plot Our family consists of 5 members (3 girls and 2 boys) approx. 14.09.2024 born mixed puppies. Their mom is a Puli type and several of the puppies look like her, so anyone who likes the Puli type should visit the puppies quickly. What we can promise is that they have good mood-enhancing and boredom-busting abilities. What can be expected, initially poo/pee in unexpected places and the usual childhood mischief...
We have started their vaccination program, and by continuing it, we will give them up for adoption from the age of 8 weeks. They are chipped and can be adopted with the obligation to neuter them, which must be completed by the specified time and this is checked very strictly. We adopt puppies in Budapest and its 30 km radius.
You can inquire about them and make an appointment for a personal meeting by calling 06 30 221 1299, from Monday to Saturday between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., or by emailing info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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