If you have questions about Buddha Nicsiren, please send an e-mail to !
People from Salgótarján asked for help for a pregnant dog. At the time it was not obvious from the photo that she would give birth in a few days, but not even a day later and she gave birth the next day. Seven puppies and Buddha mommy could not be placed in a safe place where they were. Fortunately, we had space in our mama-baby room to accommodate the distressed family.
Our Buddha babies did not have a smooth start in life, unfortunately they had to be separated from their mum because she started to abuse them and we lost two babies. Now the 5 remaining babies (3 male and 2 female) have grown up to be rehomed and are eagerly waiting to be adopted.
Buddha family were born on about July 13, 2024, their mum is a tricolor medium mix, so they are expected to be medium sized.
We would really appreciate it if their future family would give them enough time to settle in, show them with patience and love what life is like for a real owner dog, where they can participate in the family's activities and be part of the family.
We have started their vaccination programme, we will continue it, they will be adopted with a chip, with the obligation to be spayed or neutered, which must be done by the given time and we will check it very strictly! We adopt puppies in Budapest and within a 30 km radius.
To inquire about them and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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