If you have questions about Csillagfény Csóka, please send an e-mail to !
The Starlight Animal Welfare Foundation, was looking for an organisation to take in a mum with her 8 babies, just a few days old. Help was needed quickly, because within days, if no solution had been found, the " owner" was going to beat them to death. In our house they were called the Csillagfény family.
Our large family, born around April 2024 (6 boys, 2 girls) has reached the age of being rehomed, it is time for them to grow up in a family. We would love to have them as active members of the family. They are amazingly charming,sweet puppies and calm for their age. Their mum is a medium size, but looking at the puppies they could be medium/large size.
We have started their vaccination programme, continuing it, they will be adopted chipped, with the obligation to be spayed, which must be done by the specified time and this will be very strictly monitored! We adopt puppies in Budapest and its 30 km radius.
To inquire about them and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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