If you have questions about Tobzoska, please send an e-mail to !
Tobzoska came to the Noah Animal Shelter Foundation with the help of the Füzesabony Animal Protection Foundation, with a brutal skin disease from a poor conditions in a segregated area in Mezőszemere. There were 3 dogs living together, Tobzoska, a male born around 2023, Padavan, and Briza, who is most likely their mother, even though she is only 2 years old. All three were in a terrible state, not only physically but also mentally, terrified.
Tobzoska was in a brutally bad state, we think he is mostly shar-pei. He was almost completely bald, his skin was inflamed, sore, bleeding out when we touched him. His ears were inflamed and his ear canals were constricted. His body ached, his soul was terrified...
Of course, we started his treatment in our hospital ward, in the warmth. He is on medication, baths with medicated shampoo several times a week, Bravecto tablets to boost his immune system, skin nourishing oils, vitamins, under constant veterinary control. We have worked hard to gain his trust and we can say that he is now completely changed. He is open, he is able to play, he is able to be naughty. He has ideas that we are trying to get him to move in the right direction. He is still often distrustful of strangers, but he will accept a treat and a pat. His relationship with other dogs is good, but sometimes he is over the top active. He is trainable to get along with bitch dogs.
It is recommended to visit him several times to get to know him. He still has a lot to learn, e.g. how to walk on a lead, how to handle unfamiliar situations. Therefore his prospective family should be given enough time to settle him in, as he has been living in fear.
We can start his vaccination programme soon and once he is neutered there is no reason why he should not be adopted as a family member.
To enquire about him and to book an appointment, call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10am and 3pm or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.


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