If you have questions about Kaba Kobak, please send an e-mail to !
A jagd terrier type mama and her 3 little ones (2 girls, 1 boy) born around 2023.05.20, arrived from Kaba. They were given the family name Kaba.
The family of three grew up to be rehomed thanks to their mum's devoted work. Their mum is a jagd terrier. Their colour does not resemble their mum's but their temperament does. They are active, bustling around all day and only when they are tired they pass out in the family nest.
What a Kobak needs is an owner who will take the time to settle them into a family environment and not consider it a cardinal sin when something gets chewed on , peeing or poopoing in the house or to think that a puppy will be a finished dog in a few weeks without training.
We would really like them not to grow up in a shelter, but to find a family quickly and experience what a real, happy dog life is like, in a loving family.
We have started their vaccination programme, we will continue it, they will be adopted chipped and with the obligation to be neutered, which must be done by the given time and we will check it very strictly! We adopt puppies in Budapest and within a 30 km radius.
To inquire about them and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 1299, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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