If you have questions about Studenka, please send an e-mail to !
A train driver asked our foundation for help because he saw an injured dog lying on the open track near Külsővat. We rushed to her rescue, walking about 1 km with a transport box on the railway tracks.
Little Studenka was almost in shock from the noise of the trains passing over her.
The primary veterinary examination revealed that her head had taken a big blow, fortunately "only" a visible fracture at the eye socket. The right hip blade is torn off and there are bruises all over her body.
She is not yet adoptable, but after she heals we are looking for an owner who can forget all the bad things she has experienced in her life and prove to her that life is beautiful and she is a loving companion. We are only looking for a home where she can be a full member of the family. We hope that the Angel who has been waiting for her will come and give her what she may not have had before.
She is available for adoption vaccinated, chipped and neutered.
To inquire about her and to make an appointment, call 06 30 221 12 99, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.
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