If you have questions about Szőke család Vivi, please send an e-mail to !
Another 7 dogs have been given a chance for a happy life with the help of the Foundation of animal protection in Füzesabony. They were named the Szőke family, who were born in the wrong place at the wrong time. They are now safe and we can start to move on to a happier life with a permanent owner...
The puppies of the family were born around the beginning of July 2021. Unfortunately we do not know their parents but they are expected to be small/medium sized
We are looking for a loving, responsible owner for these blond puppies, who is aware of the difficulties and losses involved in raising a young dog. Someone who will love and provide a safe home for them when they grow up and when they are old. We will only adopt him as a full family member.
We have started their vaccination programme, we will continue it (we started with the parvo virus serum as a new protocol), they will be adopted chipped, spayed or neutered from 8 weeks of age, which must be done by the given time and this will be very strictly monitored! We adopt puppies in Budapest and within a 30 km radius.
To inquire about them and to book an appointment, please call 06 30 221 12 99, Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 3 pm, or visit info@noeallatotthon.hu.

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