If you have questions about Páncsó- van gazdijelőltje, please send an e-mail to !
Páncsó was born in 2020 and he is about a 5-6kg Chivava like male dog who was found on the Keresztúri road. He didn 't have a chip in him. We are suspicious when in the pouring rain a clean and dry dog is supposedly "found". A dog who is friendly with the people who found him but otherwise he wants to eat everybody else. The finders weren't too helpful. They have told us if we don't take him then they will let him in the woods.
His previous owner wasn't found so now we are looking for a new one.
He was scared to death at first and it took him 2 days to understand that he is in safety and surrounded by love.
We are looking for a family for him where he will be loved for as long as he lives and where he will be treated as a full member.
He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or write to info@noeallatotthon.hu.
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