If you have questions about Kertész, please send an e-mail to !
We have received a call from Dr Micsutka, one of the vets in Szirák whom we know because the well-being of animals in the region is very important. A male dog was taken into his office who was in serious condition. His eye was popped out and his jaw was broken in multiple places. He was hit with a blunt object. He received primary care in order to stabilize his condition.
The good doc asked for help and organised a transport for him right away so he arrived fast and he was immediately taken to the Délpesti Állatgyógyászati Központ és Sebészeti Centrum Clinic. Please, keep your fingers crossed for him. We will inform you on his condition soon.
It is highly suspected that these injuries were inflicted by a person so Dr. Micsutka reported the case to the Police.
We would like to thank him for his hard work and dedication to animals. 🙏❤️
First Dr Beáta Orbán removed the popped eye and a few days later Dr Boda has put his jaw back together He was hit so hard that even the soft tissue was swollen and became oedematous. That made the jaw operation harder. He lost one of his eyes and his head will be a bit deformed but who cares when he can eat alone! Hopefully he can leave the Clinic soon and he can continue his recovery in our hospital ward in our animal home.
We will look for a family for him where he will be loved for as long as he lives and where he will be treated as a full member.
He is chipped, vaccinated and neutered.
For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or write to info@noeallatotthon.hu.
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