4212: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nev,faj,nem,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(szuletett) AS sz,kep,statusz,meret,szor,telep,leiras,ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bekerult) AS b,descr,beschr FROM allat WHERE ID=4212 LIMIT 0,10
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány - Baka
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Name: Baka
Sex: Dog
Born: 2018.06.01.
Arrived: 2018.11.11.

If you have questions about Baka, please send an e-mail to !

Two animal lover from Nagyréde asked for our help for 2 dogs that were in really bad shape.

A Vizsla like female dog showed up in the village and with time one could see that she became thinner and her teats became swollen. The 2 animal lovers started to follow her in order to find out where she lives and where are her puppies. She found her living in a ruined building which was full of junk. They didn't find puppies but they found a dying younger dog which was probably the only surviving dog of a previous litter. We gave him the name Baka.

He was skin and bones and he was hardly alive. He was also locked into a dirty, smelly bodega without food and water. The local Notary was called immediately who has the authority do start proceedings. Unfortunately the Notary didn't start any legal procedure against the owner but at least the 2 dogs were saved. They were taken to our Vet's office for treatment. Thanks to the treatment Baka recovered enough and he is now continuing his treatment in our hospital ward in our animal home.

He was born in July, 2018 and he is a vizsla like male dog who will be big when he grows up.

We are looking for a family who is responsible and is aware of the hardships of bringing up a young dog and is ready to accept that there will be accidents and losses in the flat or in the garden. We are looking for someone who will not only love him when he is a teenager, adult and also when he gets old.

His vaccination program has been started and the new owner has to complited. He is chipped. He can be adopted with a neutering obligation which we will check.

For more information call 0036 30 221 1299 or visit us at the shelter in the 17th district at the end of Csordakút street from Monday till Saturday between 10am-15pm.

More pictures HERE!




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