If you have questions about Pulyka, please send an e-mail to !
He was born around 2004, we know that he is a more than 10 years old Puli mix boy. According to the information we received from the shelter where he lived before, he spent his whole life on short chain. His fur was in a very bad condition, we had to cut all off. It turned out that he is nearly bald. There is a bigger problem, he is totally blind, and we don’t know if it is temporary or what is his condition. Further examination will take place soon.
Despite his old age, he loves to court the girls and to show the boys that who is the master of the house. He doesn’t care that he doesn’t see anything or that he is very old and has jittery legs, he loves to be with people and loves life very much.
We hope that we find him a new, lovely place what he deserves for his last years where he can live in peace and happiness.
We are adopting him chipped, vaccinated and neutered.
For more information please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. or personally at NOÉ Állatotthon foundation 1171 Budapest, Csordakút street’s end or write to info@noeallatotthon.hu.
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