If you have questions about Kis Jani, please send an e-mail to !
Kis Jani came to us originally on 14th March, 2016.
After an unsuccesful adoption he came back to our care on the 16th August, 2016. He was first found as a puppy in the 17th district. He was later adopted but the owners couldn't spend enough time with him and Jani compensated by rearranging and climbing.
We are looking for a new owner for him who are aware of the losses and the difficulties of bringing up a teenager dog who needs a lot of movement. He needs to go to dogschool so he can become a well behaved adult dog.
Jani is chipped, neutered and vaccinated.
For more information, please call 06 30 221 1299 from Monday to Saturday, from 10:00 a.m. to 03:00 p.m. or personally at NOÉ Állatotthon foundation 1171 Budapest, Csordakút street’s end.
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