2924: SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS nev,faj,nem,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(szuletett) AS sz,kep,statusz,meret,szor,telep,leiras,ID,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(bekerult) AS b,descr,beschr FROM allat WHERE ID=2924 LIMIT 0,10
Noé Állatotthon Alapítvány - Feribá család Flex
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Name: Feribá család Flex
Sex: Dog
Born: 2015.04.01.
Arrived: 2017.02.18.

If you have questions about Feribá család Flex , please send an e-mail to !

He came first to the shelter on the 13th May, 2015.

It all started in May, 2015 when a very sweeet 92 year old Mr. Feri's (who was living on his farm for 40 years) family decided that he has to move in with them because the farm is too much for him.

When he was living on his farm a couple of small Pekinese mix dogs were left on his doorstep. He fed them and tried to take care of them as best he could. When spring came love was in the air and of course the dogs started to reproduce and he had even more dogs on his hands. When he had to move he couldn't take the dogs with him and the 17th district's local government asked for our help. In total we took in 8 dogs and 3 of them were puppies.

Flex was 6 weeks old when he came to us and after weaning he was adopted. The special contract for him was signed which stated that the family has to follow through with the vaccination program and has to neuter the dog in specified time frame. We always do follow up visits and check if the obligations were fulfilled.
It turned out the he was not vaccineted or neutered so he came back to our shelter and we are looking for a new family for him.

Flex is a very sweet, well socialized and active male dog. We are looking for loving, responsible owners who could take care of him and who are aware of the difficulties and losses involved in raising a young dog.

He is chipped, neutered and vaccinated.

As a puppy:

Now in the shelter:

More pictures HERE!!!




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