If you have questions about Tixy, please send an e-mail to !
Tixy is an eccentric Jagdterrier mix male. He was found in the XVI. district in Budapest with serious injuries. We do not know what happened to him but most likely he was hit by a car. The dog owners in the neighborhood did not know him and he had no identification on him.
He was taken to the vet immediately and had to be operated on becaues he had broken one of his leg. Fortunately he had no other injuries.
He is a very active young man who loves everybody and gives kisses to everyone. You can take away his food and his toy without a proble because he has NO aggression with people.
He is playful with other dogs but he tends to be dominant with them so we recommend him to an experienced family.
He totally recovered from his injury.
His original owner was not found so he can be adopted vaccinated, chipped and neutered.

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