If you have questions about Crowley - VAN GAZDIJELÖLT!, please send an e-mail to !
Crowley is a Bullterrier and Jack Russel terrier mix male dog. He was run over by a car at Fő Street, Ceglédbercel. The thigh bone of his right back leg and his pelvis broke. His leg was operated on.
He is a very nice, kind and special dog. He grew so big ears to avoid sunlight in his eyes.
The immediate operation was very successful. There are some implants built in to strengthen the broken bones. Crowley recovers quickly, he already uses his injured leg, he runs, plays and has a lot of fun.
He likes people very much, everybody is his friend. His relationship with female dogs is perfect but he is dominant with males.
He is cat compatible.
Within a couple of month he will undergo another small operation to take out all the built-in screws but practically we can say he is totally recovered.
He is offered for adoption with a chip and with all the vaccinations.
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