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Get to know us!

As the largest animal shelter in Budapest we rescue animals since 1992 that were tortured, had an accident or have suffered the hardship.
The 3,5 acre site means in many cases the final home for about 600 animals, including dogs, cats, pigs, goats, sheep, emu, rabbits, guinea pigs, chickens and hens, ducks and gees, deer, exotic birds, pigeons, crow, buzzard, turtles, raccoon and cattle.

From the past to the present

The Noé Animal Shelter Foundation is the largest animal shelter in Budapest and since 1992 it is financing itself entirely from own resources. The Foundation was established in 2000 but also since then, it takes care on the two -, three - and four-legged protégés from the very own pocket, without any normative support by the state.

The shelter was founded by two enthusiastic young people, Zoli and Hédi. Since the beginning of the '90s the two are dreaming of a world, where all animals are entitled to live and where all the animals deserve a second chance, regardless whether it is a dog or Thanksgiving-turkey. They saved for many years for a plot and started to host suffering animals. And they came and came; at the end there were several hundred. Hédi and Zoli had often to lack, must have sold their family heritage, have borrowed money from friends, stayed with family and friends, but the animals always had to eat and received medical care. This is so even today; to clear the debts of shelter, in May 2008 they sold the last of their properties; since then they live on the site in a former small common room, nearby the animals. They say they regret nothing; most important is that the animals get what they need.

Some images about the beginning many-many years ago:

If the dear animal friends are on the opinion that our more than 600 little fosterlings are worth to be supported, we may have soon as many sponsors that the maintenance of the shelter can be totally covered from these revenues.

For the appropriate supplement, healing and for medical treatment of the animals respectively for the preservation of the shelter we would need annually approximately 65 million HUF (app. EUR 250.000,-). From additional resources we could develop further accommodation, quarantine and set up a veterinarian office. We are also planning a cat house, quarantine for puppies, to build a rodent- and a raccoon house and to start a training center.

We do not put any animal to sleep!

The main principle of our Foundation is that every living creature has the right to live, so we do not put the animals to sleep (the only exceptions are the heavily injured and suffering, irretrievably ones) even if they are in a number, or suffering congenital disabilities, are old, needing treatment for the rest of their life, must hold a diet, or are simply unattractive.
In our pound we ensure a full life for the limpers and the blinds, for old animals and for those, who suffered a trauma for which they are not able anymore to tolerate other animals or even people, we set up an own compound. They are the residents of the “Garden of the Suffering Souls”. Those animals were formerly abused and tortured and the professionals could not manage the rehabilitation that way that they could become ready for adoption.

Animal rescue and other activities

Highest priority of the animal rescue is that those animals who were knocked down and left on the roadside to their fate or were somehow abused receive the appropriate veterinarian treatment as soon as possible.
We are often alerted also because of cruelty to animals. In such cases we must not only take care for the animal, but to arrange that because of a criminal act a lawsuit is initiated.

A crisis group is consistently available in case of a nature- or industrial disaster threatening animals. As a member of the Animal Welfare and Disaster Rescue (Állatvédelmi Katasztrófamentő Csoport) we were actively involved into the rescue works during the floods in Bereg in 2001, in Budapest and surrounding in 2002 and also in saving the wild life in the Gemenc-forest.

One of the main objectives is to participate in the educational system and the change of view and attitude of the society regarding responsible animal husbandry.
Under these condition started our education program on animal welfare in spring 2004. An essential part of this is that we offer primary- and secondary schools to hold their biology lessons at our animal shelter. We also visit schools with a veterinarian, for example we take part at tutor lessons. It is quiet important that the learning to love animals and nature starts already in the childhood and that the young people are convinced of the principles of appropriate animal husbandry and learn the needs and demands of animals.

Our Foundation is a co-founder of the Nationwide Organization of Hungarian Animal Welfarists (MÁOSZ) which should represent the common interests of the animal welfarists in Hungary.

As recognition of our work in animal protection The Section for Nature- and Animal Welfare of the Association Hungarian Journalists honored our shelter on the 4th of October 2002 with the award “Shelter of the Year”. It is to be told, that other animal shelter gave also their votes.

Special programs

One of our most important special programs was set up in the spring of 2004: The Mini Shelter Project (Minimenhely project). This is a unique initiative in Hungary. The aim of it is the organized rescue, rehabilitation and placement of animals rescued from killing stations or from putting them to sleep and of tortured and abused animals.
Within this program, our volunteers build up on the site of the shelter, separated from the other sections, a mini shelter with 10 compounds and since then it receives non stop needy dogs.
The Mini Shelter Project requires the biggest stake of our budget as the animals, rescued from killing stations, are in most of the cases very ill and need treatment for months before they can be placed at the shelter. The further assistance is taken over by the volunteers and professionals which includes a long term physical- and emotional care.

Although the program was initially founded to rescue dogs from the Dog Catcher Station of the Metropolitan Office of Public Administration of Public Sites, the scope of duties expanded enormously. By now there are, with particular regard to casualty animals, injured, pregnant and disabled dogs which were picked up from over 25 collection stations nationwide.
Further information can be found on the homepage of the program:

Due to the fact that there were no organized protection-measures for the breed of boxers, since fall of 2006 also the Boxer Breed Rescue belongs to our duties. What a need for that was existed was confirmed immediately as the small group was set up. We received a lot of enquiries and information on boxers living in collection centers or in other shelters, or living under poor conditions and are suffering. We rescued boxers even from Romania and Serbia.
More about the boxer rescue:

In 2008 our Foundation assumed the schnauzer- and in 2009 the bulldog, the cane corso and the chow-chow breed rescue!

How can you help?

The biggest help is, if you adopt one of our abandoned fosterlings. This way you support us twice. On one hand, you give a new home for an indigent animal; on the other hand we are able to take other dog or cat in need into our care.

Certainly you have the possibility for virtual adoption too. For the virtual adoption of one of our animals, please select your favorite from the category Searching for a home or from the category Permanent residents, then click on the fact sheet of the selected animal on Virtual adoption.

You can also support our Foundation by drawing the attention of your family members and friends to responsible and appropriate husbandry and to the activity of the animal shelter. Under the menu Download you can find our banners. If you would like to, you can take it over to your own website and who knows, there will be maybe a potential patron or a new adoptive family.

Those who are not able to visit the animal shelter regularly but would like to be a member of a great community which was set up for supporting the pound can join our promotion club.

Our Foundation highly appreciates any kind of support, assistance and donation in kind for our little protégés. On our website under menu What should I donate? appears what is even really needed the most for the animals (medicine, food, leash, etc,).

The monetary donations of the dear animal lovers could be remitted to our account Nr.:
IBAN: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.)

Please visit us in person to convince yourselves that your donation reaches the right place and serves only the interests of the animals.

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