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The Bulldog Rescue Project

A The Noah's Ark Animal Shelter Foundation's Bulldog Rescue Group started its activity officially in January 2009, however, the rescue of the breed had been going on for a long time due to the hard work and donations of our volunteers.

It became evident in the past years that there is a big need for such a rescue group, as bulldogs - especially the French and the English bulldog – count among the „fashionable dogs” nowadays. Consequently, irresponsible breeders have appeared, who often sell dogs with genetic disabilities and illnesses. This practice combined with the bulldog-keeping fashion resulted in the increase of their number in the animal shelters, in the dogcatcher's pound and on the streets.

Quite a many old and sick bulldogs end up at the dogcatcher's: most of them need immediate help and medical treatment. In the animal shelter, it has proven difficult to house these very sensitive animals and manage their proper medical care there. Therefore, it is crucial for us to house our bulldogs at volunteers who can provide a temporary home for one or two of these dogs each. We work with volunteers who have experience with the breed, who know their special needs and have the time and the energy to (re)socialize them.

Dogs looked after by the group get medical treatment, vaccination, a microchip, and are neutralized. The group gives animals for adoption only after they are neutralized, in order to prevent any further unnecessary and irresponsible breeding.

When the dog is healthy and rehabilited both in a physical and mental sense, it is ready for adoption. Adoption is only possible through an adoption contract, and the new owner is checked if they are able to provide the necessary care and environment beforehand. We follow the fate of all our dogs throughout their entire life.

This project has a separate bank account number; donations sent to this Hungarian account are used only for bulldog rescue and rehabilitation. Donations sent to the international bank account will be used by the animal shelter and not specifically by this project.

Hungarian bank account number: 11710002-20085023
International Bank Account Number of the Noah's Ark Animal Shelter Foundation: HU62 1171 0002 2008 3777 0000 0000
OTP Bank / Budapest, 1102 Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6.

The website of the Boxer Resue Group is available here (in Hungarian)

Projectleader: Mónika Csáki
Phone: 06-70/940-1800 (after 5 p.m.)

Some photos of our dogs ready for adoption

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