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MogLog 2015.02.10-2015.05.10.
Since months you can hardly stand on your feet. You toss and turn at night , and scrunch yourpillow to a handkerchief size by the morning. Swimming in sweat you wake up, at dawn „ God, is the Moglog now ready maybe??!!!

MogLog 2015.01.09-02.08
The first month of 2015 went by as fast as lightning. So what was January like? We were snowed in, and in luckier places snow cats could be built and snow cat angels could be drawn for at least two days, complete with fir whiskers, and we had to stock up on pouch wrapped wet food and tinned food in panic, in case we were shut off from the outside world by copious amounts of snow piles.

MogLog 2014.11.02-2015.01.08.
Surely, there are many who feel a bit blue in the period following Christmas. For me this is one of the most love periods of the year, and now Advent and Christmas holidays are over, so are the celebrations,and its back to work. The Christmas tree’s glittering decorations have to be taken off…Everything has become a bit more grey, no Christmas lights brighten the streets...

Moglog 2014.10.02-11.02
However we look at it October has really been a busy month, and accordingly, it went by as quickly as a hangover...An especially important date for animal protectionists, the World Day of Animals is held this month too. Naturally, for the more fortunate furry, skinny and feathered friends every day is their own world day, but each of them receives a little more attention on this day. But more on this a little bit later.

Moglog 2014.09.04-10.02
As the saying goes, young ones only get older, but since I have reached a certain age, I decided to start staunchly to believe in this. What is sure however, is that our kindergarten and nursery kitties are filled with a huge amount of extraordinary enchantment , because they have transformed in a whim from scrawny little mice into cat like creations. (sorry about this, night time nannies, who surely did not take the three hourly feedings so easily…)

MogLog 01/07/ 2013-28/07/2013
Summer, heat wave, holiday... holiday for some, peak season for us. Kittens found on streets, cats injured in accidents, they are all coming in a row. And our wait-list is longer we could even see where is its end.

MogLog 20/12/ 2011-01/01/2012
We wish all MogLog readers Happy New Year! Naturally, despite the holidays, life did not stop at our place, since animals continuously need help.

MogLog 06/12/2011-19/12/2011
We warmly welcome all dear MogLog fans! We have had eventful weeks. we could help some moggies, we have housed a 10-day old baby as well, but it is good news that several of our protégés can spend Christmas at home.

MogLog 08/11/2011 - 20/11/2011
We have had busy weeks. The most important news is that due to our modest financial possibilities, we have to introduce a CATSTOP again.

MogLog 24/10/2011- 07/11/2011
So many things have happened around Cat Rescue that we have not even noticed two weeks had passed – it is time to report on the main events.

MogLog 11.10.2011 - 23.10.2011
Days just fly by ...there was a recent Cat Diary entry and now we are back again.:) Of course we can provide lots of good news this time, but unfortunately there is bad news as well.

MogLog 26/09/2011 – 10/10/2011
Another two, eventful weeks are over. Fortunately people started to feel like adopting, and a lot of kittens were given to dream masters.

MogLog 16/08/2011 -30/08/2011
It is time for a new MogLog, so let’s get started. In the last two weeks we have been adopted a little bit more cats, but we till have as many adoptive masters as we need..

MogLog 11/07/2011 – 31/07.2011
Here we are again. Though we had summer heat, and then autumn-like rainy weather, the Cat Rescue team did not have a rest. We saved a lot of cats, mainly kittens in the last 2 weeks.

Cat Blog 2011.05.31.- 2011.06.13.
We are presenting our Cat Blog again. We have rescued many kittens in the last two weeks and some of them have an owner already! On top of the small ones a few lucky adults also became happy and proprietary cats.