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Black weekend!
For everyone, All Hollows' Eve and Halloween are not about commemorating the dead and the carving of pumpkins; unfortunately, there are a lot of satanic seances, nowadays, where animals become victims of terrible tortures.

Cats under the engine hood
In this cold weather we all need warmth. Cats, who especially like warmth, without better opportunity often hide close to the warm engine of a parked car.

"The immuno-deficiency disease in cats is caused by a virus similar to that of the human HIV virus, to which it is related but human AIDS is not caused by the Feline Immuno deficiency Virus (FIV). "

Discount spay/neuter!
If you don’t want your pet to come home teamed up or ill, and you don’t wish the cubs of the neighboring bitch to end up in a bucket, do something for preventing them from these possibilities.

War on fleas
Everything you need to know about fleas. Fleas give foster parents and animal shelters a headache.

Cat against catallergy?!
Even though the title might be shocking at first sight, I needed to call attention of the following topic.

Cat and child
Those who don't have a pet, can't imagine how good it is when a little furball is a member of a family. And those who don't have children, don't understand how exciting child rearing is.

I want a kitten right away!
Those who found us based on the title are going to be disappointed because we don’t do such things. But now that you are here let us explain why.

How much should the kid eat?
Besides the „What should the kid eat?” question this is the next major problem, more precisely: how much and how many times should the kid eat?

Let’s go to the doctor!
Well, it is a fact that we won’t get us into our new pet’s heart with it, as it is a great challenge for every cat to like the visit at the vet.

Cat in the House
It is widely known that cats have much fewer expectations towards their future owners than a dog.

Living Together with a Disabled Kitty
Living together with a disabled cat requires special attention. We shouldn’t treat such a kitty different from how their healthy fellows are treated.