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How you can help us
We are often asked how you can help our animals.

Look at all the pets I have!

You won't believe it, but it's true: I have had a koala before, and I even had a gorilla! A real, big, hairy, smelly one! I have the papers to prove it! OK, so I didn't keep my gorilla in my bedroom and nor did the koala live on my homegrown eucalyptus tree on the balcony, but those are just details... The point is that I got to help without being there, and I got to help save lives.

Hungry Hungry Cats

Sadly, we need to ring the alarm once again: Our canned food supplies for adult cats are veining thin again. You could say, we're no fat cats - and so we aren't which is why we need your help.

Dear Visitors, People in Need, Noé Family Members! The moment came when we make a decision that we would have wanted to postpone as much as possible, but we cannot wait any longer.

II. Noah's Cat Day
On 1st of April, 1021 our II. Cat Day will take place in Noé Animal Shelter! We are expecting every one who love cats and want to have a pleasant day in our shelter.

If any supporters or sponsors of our cats would like to appear here, please write an email to macskamentes et

Information for volunteers
We get many emails and phone calls from animal friends who are interested in volunteer work so here are the most important things to consider: