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Look at all the pets I have!
I know it's not nice, but today I feel like bragging, so neener-neener! :)

You won't believe it, but it's true: I have had a koala before, and I even had a gorilla! A real, big, hairy, smelly one! I have the papers to prove it!

OK, so I didn't keep my gorilla in my bedroom and nor did the koala live on my homegrown eucalyptus tree on the balcony, but those are just details... The point is that I got to help without being there, and I got to help save lives.

By now I'm sure you realized: I'm talking about virtual adoption, which really is one of the greatest inventions of mankind. For one thing, your family might not appreciate it if you come home from work with eight cats, two foxes and a llama. They would probably already have an issue with the eight cats. But with virtual adoption, you can help the cat (or dog, bunny, horse, llama, lamb, whatever you like) you choose - whoever you like, or you really feel for, but you can't take them home.

For another, it's a great help to the shelter, since every dime from your charity goes to feeding and healing our protege's and to ensure they have the best possible conditions - that is, until they find their Dream Human.

You agree with me now, don't you, that virtual adoption is the best thing ever. I ask you to support our work through virtual adoption, as well, because you can bring pure happiness to everyone.
To the cats, because this way we can can shower them with all the earthly delights they deserve.
To the Cat Rescue Project team because we need to take care of a lot of proteges, and we'd like to do that to the best of our abilities.
And of course to yourself, because helping always makes you feel good. Plus you'll finally be able to brag: "Neener-neener, look, at my beautiful pony," (Or cat, llama, fox, horse, stag) "He's miiiine!!!"

We sincerely thank you for your valuable support in advance, also on behalf of our velvet-paws.

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