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How you can help us
We are often asked how you can help our animals.

- Financial donations: we support our animals and do our jobs mainly by the 1% of the personal income tax our account number: 18169696-1-42

You can download our declarion form here

- You can adopt one of our animals! The adoption of a pet is a wonderful and exciting event while you help one of the cats, we can rescue another miserable one.

- Virtual adoption: you can adopt an animal symbolically via internet. All you have to do is to choose one of our animals from the "Permanent residents" or "Cats for adoption" section and click "Virtual adoption" on the animal's datasheet.

- Informing others: You can also help us by informing your friends and family about our work in the rescue center, or by making them aware of the importance of responsible animal keeping, proper animal care and feeding. You can also support us by inserting our banner into your website, as it might guide a potential sponsor or adopter to our website and to our animals in need. Please click Download to find our banner.

- Volunteers: people who love animals and like to help us by taking care of them are more than welcome in our shelter on Saturdays from 10am. You can read more about at the "Volunteers" tab.

- Animal Support Club: If you cannot visit us regularly, but you are ready to join a group of animal lovers founded with the sole purpose of supporting our shelter, please do not hesitate to join our Animal Support Club!

* Various donations: The animal shelter is grateful for any type of donations,
be it a small amount of money, volunteer help, food or anything our homeless animals need. You can find a list of the items our residents need the most (medicines, food, leashes etc.) on our website, under the "Tips for donation?" tab.

If you would like to provide financial support for the pets of our shelter, please transfer your donation to the following account number:

From a Hungarian bank account:
Name of bank: OTP Bank
Account number: 11710002-20085016

From a foreign bank account:
Name of bank: OTP Bank
Address of bank: 1102. Kőrösi Csoma sétány 6. Budapest, Hungary
IBAN: HU64 1171 0002 2008 5016 0000 0000
You can use online banking as well.

- Making a bequest: It is quite unusual in Hungary to make a bequest on behalf of animal shelters and hand the animal of the deceised over to an animal home, although a pet often means the only company, friend and family an old person has.

Please come and visit us to make sure that your donation is being used for the care and supply of our animals in the shelter!

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