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Moglog 2014.10.02-11.02
However we look at it October has really been a busy month, and accordingly, it went by as quickly as a hangover...An especially important date for animal protectionists, the World Day of Animals is held this month too. Naturally, for the more fortunate furry, skinny and feathered friends every day is their own world day, but each of them receives a little more attention on this day. But more on this a little bit later.

Then there was also Ursula name day, just to mention the most important happenings...with
the passing of that day, the most fanatical could begin the countdown to Christmas, and soon that will be here too, and we can start thinking about those 6-8 places of the flat, where the Christmas tree will be free of the machinations of velvet paws...and won’t fall victim to them..

We had income this month too, we have put all our know-how together, accounting book, double accounting, revenue-loss side, multiplication and division, and voilá, here comes the balance of the month.

New items on the income side:

Pamacs - has a master,
Avar - has a master,
Luci - passed away,
Füsti Fecske - has a master,
Jumurdzsák - passed away,
Fekete Harkály - has a master,
Tehénke - has a master

I think this is the one and only case, when one can be happy about the spendings, no frugality even overspending would not scare us! So let’s see the ones who have all found masters:

The next part, unfortunately cannot be left out of almost any Moglog...


Kaktusz cat just waited and waited for the master meant just for him, until he could wait no longer...Our heart aches, that we could not substitute the real master in his life, but we hope that he holds us in his heart with good thoughts over the Rainbow Bridge. We will never forget our dear old guy...


I hate sentences beginning with „what if...”, yet the case of Jumurdzsák happened to be one such case. It should never have happened. Just a little more attention, humaneness, and
responsible thinking would have been needed, and he could have had a happy life with a
master. Unfortunately for him, it is now too late, all we could do for him is to make his last moments on this earth more bearable and not be spent in lonely pain.


Dear Rita! I’m writing to you to tell you about a tragic event, Newton died unexpectedly on Thursday. The vets at the clinic said he had a hidden heart defect,and died instantly.We are totally in shock, Baszti (the other cat) is also in shock. We cannot process all this, because we adored Newton and we miss him terribly. All this is incomprehensible to us, Newton showed no sign of illness at all. Baszti is afraid to come into the room since then, he sits in front of the door, and waits for me to maybe bring Newton home, because he only remembers that I took Newton away. They were best friends, who slept in one bed, groomed and loved each other. I suspect that while we were at school Baszti watched Newton’s agony because Newton was lying prostrate on the rug, and Baszti was prodding Newton’s little body with his head, the sight was shocking. I rushed him to the vet, but the vet said that his pupils were no longer moving and his heart stopped. We nicknamed him little tumble car, he always
cuddled up to us, purred loudly, slept by my head, we had grown to love each other so much. I never thought one could get attached to a cat this much. Ana (the lady’s daughter)
has totally collapsed, though she does not show it, her eyes are glassy like Baszti’s, and has become introverted. Baszti now sleeps in the kitchen on the bench, on Newton’s blanket, and whenever I try to take the blanket away he growls, and then I let the blanket be. Baszti refuses to enter, the room, and only watches the entrance and waits for Newton to arrive. Since this happened, we cry non-stop.

The expenditure side looks like this in the ledger: there are all kinds of side notes and foot
notes after each item, in the form of reports by the masters:


Nico, or Norby by his new name is an adorable, big, cuddly cat ))) he also has a friend called Peti!

Wednesday and Friday:

We weren’t so taken by their English names, so we called them Vadóc and Cuki, and I think
there is no need to explain which is which. I attached a cat-net to to the window, Vadóc sits by the window a lot, and is interested in what happens outside. However, when we go for a walk, both are very afraid yet, they have to get used to nature. Cuki is most interested in food, he would eat any amount if we’d let him. He goes wild when we open a tin of cat food. Surprisingly he is also interested in water, when we take a shower
he turns up at the bath, but just stares at the water and does not dare go under it. It is funny, that it is Cuki who is cuddly during the day, during the night it is however, him who goes to sleep in some high place. Vadóc becomes gentle, and comes to sleep with us. When we watch TV, they both join us. They use the cat litter tray regularly, however, it has to be cleaned quite often, because Vadóc is very sensitive to smells after a while, and soils the floor next to the litter, rather than use the dirty tray. We bought them a scratch pole, they scratch everything but that. Their favourite toy so far is a srunched up paper attached to a string, I tire them out with that.


We cannot thank you enough that Cseppke can be here with us... She got used to the new circumstances rather quickly , though during the first 4-5 days she found it safer to retire and sleep under the couch...Now she is more confident and she has started talking as well. She pushes the button in the morning, I make her breakfast, while I clean the kitty litter tray. She just keeps on talking in her own language. That is when either of us is next to the kitchen counter. She throws in that puss in boots look, her most innocent face and she keeps on meowing.. There she is, purring, handing out kisses, and cuddles that great big love just oozes from her. Like a small shadow, she follows us everywhere She is adorable! Then she suddenly loses it, and Miss Whirlwind storms through the flat, and woe be the toy which she gets her paws on.And of course, then there is her favourite past time the couch commando. Putting arctic foxes to shame, she jumps head-first into the nicely arranged pile of pillows,to scare everyone when she emerges. After all this, of course it is best to calm down, and take a long nap.



Menyus is well, though now that the weather is rainy his broken leg hurts, he lifts it up often and meows. The usual evening walk is there as well, but he doesn’t want to be out for long because he doesn’t like water and the cold.


Dear Noé!

On 2011.02.14 I took home from your shelter one of the world’s most adorable cats Fixi
(Giganticus). At that time he was treated for a wounded leg...however, now he is being treated for something far worse...We went for the usual yearly booster shots to the vet, who after physically examining him sent us for an X-ray suspecting something bad on the
left soon as we got an appointment we rushed there...unfortunately the X-ray confirmed the suspicion. Bone cancer. Very aggressive. Now he gets Culevit treatment and
immune system boosters. According to the vets, he has a few months to live at most...Thank God now he is still very well, he plays and eats well, purrs and sleeps a lot in our bed. Now he has no pains as yet, he is a happy cat...We hope that he remains like this for as long as possible, if there is no chance for a cure. We do everything for him to make his days as nice as we can, and give him everything we can...Please, pray for him, so that he can stay a happy cat for as long as he possibly can...

I really don’t know where to account for the news sent in by the temporary masters (so, that is why double book-keeping is needed!) though the following informations came to light with the itemized inventory:

Ingó-bingó and Libikóka:

The situation became normal here, Cinka’s soul begins to quieten down... On Saturday I’d return the open litter tray, ’cause nobody was pleased by it, and I would like to as for one with a top lid for the small ones, and also a bigger, resting pad for them The smaller one is on all fours for more and more and can take longer steps without loosing the balance, so he is getting there

Nárcisz and Zolika:


Everything is really fine here! Zolika has become very cute, and rubs his face against
Nárcisz’s cheek. Here everyone just loves everyone! Yesterday I got a bit of a scare, but he was only reacting like this to the initial stress situation. His soul is a bit torn, but he is very lovable. Nárcisz just happens to be a great player, she always wants to do something that is forbidden (eg: jumping up on the kitchen cupboard, hunting down the bread including the we are still working on that. But both cats are absolutely litter-trained, and very friendly, they follow me everywhere...Oh, and after work, the flat was still in one piece, which I really appreciated. I sent the pictures and the short report to Orsi also, so that she can continie with the love-story. Life with these cats is very good I will continue to send you updates, and return
the cat carrier box at some point!

We have received very kind offers and donations this month too, which we cannot thank you enough for! I would especially like to stress how fantastic it is to have a community behind us which we can rely on in extraordinary circumstances as well.

Now back to my promise at the beginning, let’s have a bit more about World Animal Day.
Noé Animal Shelter has celebrated this special day this year for the second year in a row-which I can proudly say- turned out to be truly fantastic! Cat rescue has fought like a tiger in establishing a good atmosphere. There was a café, with tons of guests (thanks to Bravos with a truly professional coffee making machine and yummy specialties) there were cakes on sale, and cat hallows and objects have also sold well. According to our estimations the cat quiz was
filled out by 150 kids and adults, and those bodies exhausted by the celebral exercise could receive a super massage in two places. The cats behaved like true professionals and were kind enough to receive the stroking and the flow of tidbits offered by their fans.We await you next year as well!

Those who feel like they would like to join us,can do so by applying by email at: or at

Whether you would like to adopt a Noé protégé temporarily, or whether you would like to help caring for the cats directly at the shelter, do contact us!

We are always grateful to receive donations as well, because we have to take care of
numerous velvet-paws which are waiting to be adopted. And we hope that you know, that this
would be impossible without you!

Donated objects can be dropped off at the shelter, but should the shelter be too far for you, then we can co-ordinate by e-mail ( how you could deliver it to us.

By donating and transferring money to our bank account you can choose to support a particular cat OTP 11710002- 20085016 (write the cat’s name in the remark box of the transmission), what’s more, you can even virtually adopt this cat.

We cannot be thankful enough for your help!

You can bid HERE. for nice souvenirs on the Charity Auction Page of our Animal Shelter, and by doing so, you simultaneously support our cats too.

If you would like to become a member of a great community and should you have not done so yet, then join us on Facebook with your relatives, friends and colleagues on Facebook, where we await animal lovers with fresh, updated day to day information.

Facebook Noé Állatotthon

We would like to draw your attention to the T-Club, if you would like to support us regularly, details here:

Noé Támogató Klub

Those who purchase Noé gifts from the webshop, supports our animal

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