FELINE-AIDS (FIV)The immuno-deficiency disease in cats is caused by a virus similar to that of the human HIV virus, to which it is related but human AIDS is not caused by the Feline Immuno deficiency Virus (FIV).
The symptoms are rather varied Fever, loss of appetite, weakness, lymph node enlargement, infections and ulcers in the oral cavity, behavioural disturbances, inflammations of the skin and the airways. All in all, any kind of clinical picture which comes hand in hand with the weakening of the immune system may occur. Often the disease surfaces simultaneously with Feline Leukemia.
The source of the infection
The virus is spread by contaminated blood through saliva when cats fight and is also transmitted sexually from one animal to the other.
TreatmentThe determination of the infection happens with blood test and by showing the anti-body. There is no way to treat the cause of the disease, the infected animal cannot be cured. The deterioration in the state of the animal can be slowed by administering vitamins, and immune system strengthening medications.
PreventionUnfortunately at present no vaccine is available against FIV, but the risk of infection can be significantly lowered by neutering the animal.
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