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Cat of the Week: Zorka
Don’t pick at me! I told you not to! Maybe 5 minutes later, but not now! Anyway, is it dinner time? Of course I remember that I had dinner earlier. When will you learn that having dinner once is like eating nothing? There’s so much trouble with you two-legged creatures, am I meowing to you for nothing?

My temporary waiter is keeping after me for introducing myself. Well, I enjoy myself here but there’s never enough food for me so it might be a good idea to leave. Not that I should beg or something, I think looking for an owner is also silly, who wouldn’t want me? Ehh, whatever, I’m in a good mood today, so you can have a taste of my memoirs.

It’s no use keeping saying how many other kitties are waiting for a real owner, it doesn’t matter! Because they’re kitties! This is the main difference. Don’t even try to call me a kitty. I’m a cat since I was born. I lived my life according to it, I wandered, hunted and dated.

The two-legged creatures always try to make me seem like any other grey cats. They call me a kitty and a cute little thing while flashing their white teeth onto me. I’m at my wit’s end sometimes.

Well, what’s good in being a house cat is that there’s more food that I get more regularly than outdoors, I admit it. It’s still not perfect but it’s getting better. The main thing that hasn’t changed is that I’m a real wild cat. Look at me! Have you seen claws like this? And wild cat fur that I have? No, I’m not talking about the size, but the pattern! I’m not fat, only my fur is round.

So if you are aware of these, then maybe, as I said, maybe I move to your home. But I have requirements: first of all, always to have food but not only enough, a lot! I love hunting, climbing trees, wandering so you let me go outside sometimes after we got used to each other. If the food is extra good, I can deal with you having no garden but then I need a huge amount of toys, flies, mosquitoes and moths that I can hunt down. All right, you can sometimes call me a cute little thing but not a kitty! And don’t pick at me! I can’t recognize myself because I even purred once…

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