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Cat of the Week - Lola
Hello Everybody,

My name is Lola, I’m almost 5 months old. Now I could start talking about my terrible childhood, about my ownerless parents, that I was hated by a block of flats, that I’m black and that I always heard people say „let’s kill those cats”. But I don’t like bad memories, I’m optimistic about the future – hopefully with an owner. Anyway, this is the past, just like suckling.

I’m staying now with a temporary owner, in a family, I have 2 adult cat mates, I get on very well with both of them. Sometimes they say that I annoy them and that I could slow down a bit, but what do they expect from a never stopping kitten like me?

I come and go, play with the ball, and I often eat. Then I have a rest, but not for long because I have to go on with being naughty.  You can see how many things I have to do, I don’t have much time to pay attention to you, but when I get tired and you scratch me, I promise that I’ll purr very loudly!


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