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MogLog 24/10/2011- 07/11/2011
So many things have happened around Cat Rescue that we have not even noticed two weeks had passed – it is time to report on the main events. Fortunately this period was colored by almost only positive events, and tears are expected just because of being touched. :)

The ones who arrived:

Viola and Vivien were dumped together with their siblings in a box when they were small. Soon they were adopted, but now they were returned because of family reasons. But they did not stay for long; the dream owner has already applied for them! – Already adopted!



Sziamiau was left at our pet shelter together with his sibling, Murci, but she was lucky because one of our volunteers became free on the same day. Thus they could get away from the first frosts. Sziamiau is still very tiny, but completely independent, eats and drinks. She has been room-trained from the first moment; she is a very playful, kind, and active kitty. She loves people very much; she is not scared at all, enjoys patting, and gets on well with the other cat of the household. She has received vermifuge. She is waiting for her owner.

Murci – Already adopted!

Sziamiau – She has been applied for!

Spirit, Lia, Bella, Marvel and Brian lived in a garden, but the five little kittens could not stay in the cold and danger. At the moment they are at a foster carer’s place. In the meantime 4 siblings have been adopted, only Brian is still waiting for the dream owner.

Brian was a very scared little boy in the beginning, but he has opened up completely by now, and was playing all day with his siblings. Now, as all his siblings were adopted and he has been left alone, his hunger for love has come out. He is cuddling, nestling in one’s lap, meowing and purring all day without end. He does not even go to sleep, he just falls asleep while nestling. He also likes playing very much; he is chasing his ball and mouse all through the apartment. He is room-trained.

Főnix had already been adopted once, but unfortunately he did not get on well with other cats. After a long agony, his owner had to bring him back. We recommend him as a single cat.

Pizzaboy was returned by his owner for trumped-up reasons; it is not the kitten’s fault at all. At the moment he is waiting for the one who will really love him.

Achilles and Kiara were announced. After an adventurous catching action, we housed them at a foster carer’s place. Each of them had one of their hind legs missing. Unfortunately it turned out that they both had a viral infection, and they both passed :( Good bye, little kittens! :(((

Dömper’s 90-year old owner got into the hospice ward, and the old lady’s family!!! took the 9-year old cat to the vet’s to have it put to sleep. The vet was not willing to do so, and asked for our help. Dömper is terribly fat. He can eat DIETARY dry food only.! For the present, he is scared by what has happened to him and not knowing where his owner is. He badly needs a foster carer, who would turn him into a slim gentlecat – but a permanent owner whom he will never have to leave would be even better.

We introduce you Volvo, for whom we should keep our fingers crossed, since he is in a bad condition now, but our volunteer – who is housing him – and our vets are fighting for him. Volvo slipped underneath the hood of a car, wanting some warmth, and when the car was turned on, its v-belt literally skinned Volvo’s belly, and also broke one of his legs. :(((
If you want to support Volvo’s recovery, please help him with virtual adoption or donate: OTP 11710002-20085016 (in the reference field please enter ‘Volvo’). THANK YOU!

Habcsók (Meringue) was on the wait-list. She is very badly undernourished, she has femoral hernia and her eyes are inflamed. She is under medical attendance.

Bones is likely to have been run over. Her pelvis was broken, and has already been operated on. She was also concussed, and because of this she cannot see. Hopefully it will pass. :(

Harmat (Dew) was announced. She was in a bad condition; she might have been run over or poisoned. We do not know; she has kidney troubles and she staggers. At the moment she is under medical surveillance. – Adopted.

Botond was rescued on the basis of announcement. His leg is broken; his owner solved it with a stick and some duct tape, instead of taking him to the vet’s. He is already in safety in the shelter, his leg has been operated on, and he is recovering now.

Lilike, the cat suffering from hernia, has been operated on, fortunately he has taken it on the chin, and she feels much better now. This is almost a miracle, since the operation revealed that the hernia affected almost all her organs, only a small part of her lung was working. She feels better now. Apart from this, there is a bullet in her leg, thus one more operation is still ahead of her.

Sir Mock has also been operated on, and it was successful. His stitches have already been removed, and he is recovering at a foster carer’s place.

Domino’s eye has been removed, and the stitches are out, too. The cat feels fine, looking forward to the dream owner.

Our Csontika (Boney) has been waiting for the dream owner at a foster carer’s place for more than a year now. Please apply for this gorgeous, kind, cuddling, and calm cat.:)

Kifli’s (Croissant) plaster has been removed, the paw is shaping. :) In the meantime he has become a nice, interested purring machine. :)

Here is a group picture of our cats looking for owners:

We were alarmed for a cat which had been run over but unfortunately it was too late when our volunteer got there. The cat died while being taken to the vet’s. :(

The ones who have been adopted:


Emma and Hanna, who live with our ex-protégé Pille:)


Little Antonio


Kása (Oatmeal)



Lia and Spirit

Viola and Vivien


Harmat (Dew)

And we do not want to speak too soon, but after Diego and Sugar (Ray) cats we can put the tag ‘has prospective owner’ onto another completely hopeless cat:: Mizu! Mizu is AIDS and leucosis positive. Although he has recovered from his injuries, he is terribly sad in the cage, and we did not know how long he would carry on in the shelter. He cannot meet other cats because of his illness, thus if no one had applied for him, he would have had to live all his, possibly very short, life in the cage. However, everything goes well, in the next MogLog we can show pictures of him with his owner. :)

Reports from owners :)

Melon is talking :)


We went to the vet’s right after your place. Grace did not say a word on the way, she was just lying in the travel box, yawning. It took us 15 minutes to get to the vet’s. Fortunately we did not have to wait, we had an appointment, and the vet could see us immediately. The vet almost fainted how beautiful she was. And how stubborn she is!:)

She weighs exactly 700 grams. A quick blood test was made and she is leucosis and AIDS negative. Thus this tiny thing is completely healthy. Then she got her shot, she was crying heavily. She also got some vermifuge, she did not want to swallow it, thus we made the vet work. :)

On the way home she fell asleep, thus she did not say a word again. But as soon as we let her out of the travel box at home …!
She explored the field immediately, including the curtain, among others. Kati, your name was mentioned quite a few times then, although my other 3 cats have made me be used to the fact that cats make curtains into emmentaler cheese. At least it is airy… :)
Our biggest cat completely broke down; he was grunting and hissing, expressing his dislike in an inarticulate way. I try to talk things over with him, but with modest success so far. :)

The middle one acknowledged we had a newcomer, he just kept decent distance, but that was it. The smallest grunted at her first, than he was following her everywhere. Grace wanted to play with him, she was running at him all the time, she even stood up on two legs and like a windmill she was flapping with her hands. It was very funny. But I don’t think there will be any problems, the two little ones will get used to each other quickly.

Thus Grace was not timid at all. She was so invigorated that we had to stop her. The vet told us she would be drowsy. She was not right… Now she is sleeping in her pink den. When we pat her, she starts purring frantically. But she refused to eat. I think this was because of the ‘mum-exchange’ and the shot. Thus she feels fine, and she is going for my necklace. Well, she knows what a woman needs... :)
Thank you once again for being such a good foster carer of Grace. We promise we will be very good owners and we will write you and send pictures as she will be growing up.


Bella’s first picture at home :)

Puszi (Kiss)

Dear Noah staff,

She is Zora, who was called Puszi at your place. :) We took her home on 16th July last year, and I could not be happier with her. :D She is a cuddling, playful, purring moggy. Thank you for making it possible for me to adopt her. Good luck with all the rest!!!


Dear Noah,

We are enclosing a photo of the kitty. She is growing nicely, and she endured the operation as a hero. The whole family is spoiling her.


Pirosszka’s good life:)


Dear Noah,
Here I am again! I’ve promised to send some pictures of my climbing frame and I am also sending some of myself. I’ve got a new name; I have become Mici instead of Shakira. My owner wrote it onto my house. They lined it with a nice warm and soft blanket, but in the picture it is not there, I received it in the evening. My day today has been quite strange, because accidentally I have knocked a big flower plot off the window sill, naturally the whole thing spilt out, and I got so scared that I ran away!

My owner also got scared by the noise, but then she cleaned it up with her own tools. At least her day did not start in a boring way, either. J Normally my day starts with eating. As soon as my owner wakes up, I go with her into the kitchen; I know I am the first! Usually she starts with canned food of some flavor, in the afternoon I get some dry food, and in the evening meat again. The other day I stole my owner’s fried sausage; it was delicious! I also managed to steal some sour cherry pie; they left it outside in the evening, fortunately. Otherwise I do not get any sweets; they take care of the health of my teeth, though I really liked this pie! No matter how hard I asked for, they did not give me any of their food. I got so hurt, that since then I have not gone up to them when they are eating.
May it be some kind of tactics of theirs? Well, after breakfast I go to the window, there is no flower pot here, and I am looking. Then I have some rest, later I run up and down. I finish my breakfast, and I cuddle up to my owner, depending on what she is doing. In the afternoon when everybody is at home, I cuddle up to everyone, and we play with my little owners. In the evening I cuddle up to my adult owners while watching TV, yesterday I was giving kisses to both of them. I had a nice sleep on them!

They pat me the most at these times. When they go to sleep, I can sleep in the bed or my house. I like the fact that I am in the centre! To sum up, I feel fine, a cat cannot have more! I thank you for finding such owners for me! I will write again around Christmas, and my coming birthday. Until then, I am sending my best regards to everyone.



Golden is still a very bad, very active, and sly little bastard.
But I love him very much!!!
Fortunately he is fine, in the beginning when I took him home, he was licking the surgical scar on his belly a lot, then gradually he gave it up, and has completely forgotten it by now. In the beginning he did not want to eat, his appetite was bad, but we do not have such a problem nowadays, fortunately! He is a well-nourished cat, what is more, he is getting fat!

He is not a cuddling type, he does not let us take him into our laps, we cannot lift him, because he protests. But he purrs, follows me everywhere, and we sleep together. :) He also help me with cooking, he is very good at crumbing. :) He loves playing, he has got a lot of toys, his favorite is a small teddy bear, and he takes it with him even when he is eating or sleeping. He was very happy about your present, though he destroyed all the toys it contained in a day. We still have the dish, he uses it..:)


Shiro at home:)

Emma,Hanna and Pille

Hi Noah, :)

I am happy to report that I have successfully adopted Emma and Hanna, and have never seen such tough cats!:D
These two Thumbelinas were not troubled for any moment when we packed them into the cat bag at Anikó’s place, there was no squirming, no whining, nothing, but in the car they were trolling the purring symphony and were sleeping in the warmth of the lining.

Then they were put into my room, there was a successful cat litter show, and other things… The first thing the cats did was eating, and it turned out that Anikó was not exaggerating, Emma is an Amazon indeed if it is about food, but we do not have to worry about Hanna, either!:D

My cat, Mutyi was not troubled by the family extension, just to say the least, he is such stoic and...:)
Pille (her new name is Menta = Mint) was a harder nut to crack, this grand duchess, this aristocratic lady was offended. She did not like the two new kitty girls, to express it gently… They were hissing at each other, fortunately they did not start to fight. But I know Miss Menta well; I know it is a passing fancy, by and by the ice will break... By this morning I was justified, I caught Menta kissing Hanna... All the three girls get on very well with Mutyi; Mutyika is beautiful, Mutyika is good, you can cuddle up to Mutyika, and Mutyika is such a big, soft hairball that you can hide and get some warmth between his rolls of fat. :D

When I felt the appropriate moment had come they were introduced to the dogs in the kitchen. The situation was not easy with Minty, I do not know why I, poor, silly earthbound creature imagined that such a gentle lady would wish to share the same room with Manó, an ordinary dog...
Then on the third day Mint noticed that 4 out of the 4 dogs did not do anything to her, or just licked her with love.:D (By the way, Mint takes after one of my earlier cats, Mica…...
The way they look, their moves, but even their habits are identical!
She minces her food in the same way, she also loves to have a nap in the wash-basin, and when the oven is turned on of course she is warming on the top of it. :D We have even created her a nest there....)

But Emma and Hanna are different!:D
They were trained with dogs in Anikó’s place, and it could have been seen when they met – I had nothing to do but to watch these two innocent naives as they were exploring...
I think my 47-kilo Central-Asian puppy did not even notice that while he was sleeping, two little hairballs climbed under the skin rolls of his neck to get warm...:D

We visited the vet yesterday. (Mint was on the cat leash, sitting on my shoulder – amusing old ladies and children. I got out of the car, and went to the vet’s office and then we went home like this… She loves sitting on my shoulder, and I really liked my scarf.:))
Everybody got their shots and security vermifuge….
It turned out that Mint has heart troubles.:(
The muscle on the left auricle (?) has thickened, and it does not develop appropriately, and the cells do not get sufficient amount of oxygen, etc... I could not even notice what the vet was listing... The main point is that it cannot be cured, but it does not mean a catastrophe, either, she has no other problems, and she is quite playful…

The other kitties get eye drops with steroid; the operation of Hanna depends on how effective it is… (The vet thinks it should be done as soon as possible, later it will be more complicated.)

I thank you very much for saving these kittens and making me their happy owner, or better to say, their humble slave!:D

Yours thankfully,

Pinduri (Tiny) and a family member :)


Hi Noah,

I am sending some new pictures of Beni (whose foster carer I was, and then he stuck here). He is fine and has grown a lot. He can be very nice and sweet, before breakfast he is crushingly cuddling. :) He still gets on well with my other cat, day play with each other daily. Sometimes they kill each other, which is quite hard to hear, but neither of them would stop it, they almost rage together. But as you can see, they also huddle up against each other; mostly Beni is the one who initiates it.

Mancsi is not as stupidly lenient with him as she was when he was a kitten, but she is still quite patient. It is strange but Beni’s tail is longer than average, and he uses it as if it was a whip, if he is excited he is flinging it. He takes part in almost all activities, from cleaning my teeth to wrapping gifts or cooking dinner. There are two things he does not like: vacuum cleaning and guests. Guests make him panic, he needs a lot of time to relax. I think he will never overcome his basic attitude, fear; sometimes he gets scared by a movement or a sound without any reason.

But he is usually very relaxed, he lets us lift him, he jumps into our laps, he stretches himself out in front of me on the table, and seeks contact with me. And of course he is a gorgeous and kind cat. He also hunts actively; he usually drags plush mice, pencils, Kleenex, socks and all kinds of other things along. He has also caught a fly, which he ate heartily, and apparently he was very proud of himself. :)


Little Antonio

Dear Noah,

Antonio is a great cat, and I think he feels himself at home at our place now. He eats very well, thus if he goes on like this, he will become a fat cat. He has his own toy, which we bought him, but he prefers playing with my shoe laces. Now he is lying in my lap while I am writing this letter. If you want to visit him, you are welcomed.
Best regards,

Zsuzsa and Antonió

Merlin has taken over the place of Mókus, the dog:)

Kása (Oatmeal)


Kása has got her shots today, and some vermifuge. The vet ssaid I had already spoilt her. I told him it happens:))) I just can’t say ‘no’ to her. I am enclosing a picture just for you to see what I am talking about!



We also received donations, cat litter, shovels, and everything that might be needed in the cat kennel. We thank you all!

Alfi, the cat a lot of you know, has published a book, our pet shelter was invited to the book launch, where a donation collection was organized for our cats in the shelter. Thank you Alfi :)

On Saturday we held a help-day, within the framework of which our volunteers cleaned the quarantine department. We thank them for their help. Some pictures of the cheerful but tiring day.:)

In the wooden of our kennel the linoleum was laid; it can be cleaned very easily.

Our cat calendar will be issued soon; its price is 1,500 HUF. You can support cat rescue by buying one.:) The calendar can be bought in keveré webshop as well.

An article about the place to which the cat also goes on foot:) Here.

In our column introducing the cat breeds, this week we feature the Bengalese.

We introduce an old inmate of ours week by week, who is waiting for the dream master for more than a year. Maybe we can find them this way :) We would like to introduce Cicamaut this week.

Cat of the week: Ruszti

The Catland Yard and the empty bowl here :)

You can help our protégés with virtual adoption, if you cannot adopt them for real. Here you can find what it is and how you can help. Thank you.

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