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Dylan, else when a slanted headed cat writes a poem
Hello Everybody!
I’m Sundays budy, my name is Dylan. (By the way Sunday already has an owner, because he had written a quiet romantic, funny and nice speach here.) Well he told me, that because my head is a bit slanted I also have owner. After all he has only 3 legs and he was a bit shy, he had logged in Facebook and as he sad „scavanged” an owner of dream who had brought him to Catparadise. Yes, Catparadise is can be here too, not only when U say goodbye!

To get there U’ve got to be lucky to get a two-legged who calls U „my little darling” or „kittycaty”. At my side I have to make compromises to listen these all day, but in Sundays opinion it worth because it goes with warm home, unbelivable amount of food and in case own couch!

So he did it! That is why I’m still hoping. My head problem is not much, but we don’t know the cause of it. The cat rescue’s account is utterly empty, the guys are collected the half of the operation costs, but still need money for CT. By the way I have no idea what is CT, but the girls told it’s very clever what will tell my heads problem.

If you think that I can recover from this slanted problem, and have a CT, please send money. OTP 11710002-20085016
Do not need much because a lot small take a huge one. Just as girls say when empty the litter….but it is another story.

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