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Series of tragedies at the gate of the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter
During the last weeks a number of remarkably sorrowful events happened at the Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter. Little kitties became preys twice due to human negligence, and several times it was a narrow shave that no tragedy happened.

First a mom cat and her three kitties had been left in front of the Shelter in a badly closed hutch. At the gate of the Animal Shelter that lies on non-residential area, the kitties were lacerated by dogs, while the mom could escape, and waited for help on a tree.

Secondly, four little cats had been left along without any hutches, one of them were lacerated by dogs, the others escaped luckily, and are at temporar owners at the moment.

De volt olyan eset, hogy egy dobozban kölyök kutyákat hagytak a tűző napon a kapuban és mire az Állatotthon munkatársai észrevették őket hőgutát kaptak és meghaltak. Járt már pórul a kerítésen átdobott kutya, macska, nyúl és sérült szarka is.

There was another case when puppies were left in a paper box in flaming sun at the gate. By the time workers from the Shelter arrived and saw them, they got heat stroke and died. But also others, like dog, cat, rabbit, and injured magpies thrown over the fence did not manage to survive.

Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter can take responsibility only for those animals that got to the Animal Shelter in a regular way, it is very dangerous and several times it leads to tragedy if one or more animals are left in front of our gates or in the nearby woods, which can be seen from the above very sad cases. Who left these little animals did not do good to them (although this was probably their intention) but on the contrary, as in number of cases several little lives fell preys to the attacks.

Therefore the Animal Shelter asks those, who want to hand down or give to adoption an animal, do contact the Shelter workers by all means (by phone or via email), because they cannot help in cases which they do not know of. The Animal Shelter operates with multiple full house, our volunteers take care of about 900 animals day by day. It is very difficult to find a place in the Animal Shelter; however we can help with information and advice to those who find an animal or want to leave one.

The Noah’s Ark Animal Shelter is committed to help animals that got in trouble, but these surprisepackages make the work of the Shelter extremely difficult, and we want to stress once again, these can lead to tragedies in number of cases, which is the worst that can happen.

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