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The Two Terrible Scallywags – Report, Chapter II.
To prevent us from the bullying demands of many hundreds (source: The Two Terrible Scallywags – Report, Chapter I.) we capitulate as shown by this picture, and publish the report on our suspects describing events and changes experienced by the two temporary observers. Note our call for preventive measures addressed to the public!

As drawn in the first paragraph of our previous report, on 13th June we were handed over net two criminals for trust. They are hairy, weighing approx. 4-500 grams one by one. They wear significantly foiled black-and-white coats and are characterized by slightly booby (childishly naive) looks. It is important to mention that during the whole action and consequently, we enjoyed the great help and assistance of Captain L. (“own cat” by editor), without the help of whom the two concerned would have proved to be 98% less treatable.

As far as the most important changes are concerned, we have to note the following observations:

A) The two suspects spend approximately 24 hours a day in each other’s company.

B)Main stamping grounds:
 bathroom (base equipped for suspects, center of food and drink distribution, stock of products marked by code “CIRMI”);
 bedroom (unfairly occupying the bed used by the observant, silently residing there, and in case reproached by Captain L., bravely holding on);
 hall and living-room (performing relatively cultivated activities called “game”)

C) Significant changes of interactive social relationships:

a. systematical welcoming procedure practiced when observers enter the observatory base (cozying, luring, buzzing of unknown origins, kneading moves, kindly touching the observers’ faces and noses by forelimbs)

b. randomly shown immensely kind behavior

c. the above mentioned forms of behavior can be observed previous to food distribution

d. entity with white ear top reacts to events concerned to as frightening (e.g.: sneeze, sudden moves disturbing day-dreaming phase, etc.) with dynamic defense mechanisms, qualified as “funny”.
Based on the numerous feedbacks, all these forms of behavior can be regarded to as “extremely cute”, in the idiomatic sense.

D) significant development of the monitored specimens’ personality could have been observed in the last one week, characterized by the vanishing of their uncertain tread and the obviously increased skillfulness proved during activity called “playing” (but we shouldn’t pass the fact that the two suspects still show a more increased interest towards each other than to balls or other accessories)

E) The two suspects’ running expenses: more or less minimal (their consumption is not significant; their production is raw material decaying in the environment; grooming their bodies can be managed by cheap tools, just like keeping them fit – sponge ball, cat-fishing, etc.); and even though it’s a fact that they hardly do any work beneficial to society, still their existence is appropriate for provoking positive emotions.

As a conclusion to our report, we’d like to re-publish


We are looking for 2 or more persons for fulfilling the above described scope of activities and also providing financial and emotional welfare for the two suspects. For getting the job, the employee must sign a two-page agreement made by Noé Animal Hosting Foundation. The agreement must be mutually accepted. Payment and bonuses: pricelessly grateful glimpses lasting for ever, happy years, unselfish love accompanied by purring.

Accepting the above described tasks is equal to the suspects’ adoption.

Please, indicate your interest by contacting us at our e-mail address, marking the CATchword “Filo” and/or “Bono”.

Phantom portraits:


T. Sz. and M. N. brigadier-generals

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