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Name: Zebi-Gazdis!
Sex: Tom
Born: 2006.01.01.
Arrived: 2013.01.18.

If you have questions about Zebi-Gazdis!, please send an e-mail to !

Zebi is a huge, spayed tom-cat, whom we received due to his owner’s passing away. He is currently waiting for his new owner at a temporary home.

His temporary owner said the following:

Zebi changed a lot since I got him. He still keeps a distance from strangers but not as much as before. He likes to sleep all day long and he likes his belly. When the food is not in the bowl by the regular time, he informs me about his dissatisfaction by a persisting meowing. It’s true that he is not so playful that much , but he enjoys when somebody plays with him. He is especially
interested in the moving toys with feathers so he might be dangerous towards birds.

He gets on well with other cats but there hardly were any occasion when he slept with any of them, but luckily there weren’t any serious fight either. Sometimes they snort at each other or they slap the air but that’s all. He didn’t encounter any dogs but he met children from whom he hid.

He loved being stroked but only in the top of his head or his neck. If there is something he dislikes he indicates so by biting or slapping, so he requires attention (I wouldn’t recommend him for children). His hair is semi-long, therefore one must clean quite a lot after him. He doesn’t like being combed but he endures it while eating (he
can be get to bear much while he’s eating).

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