Crowley's letter to adoption candidates
Hi everyone!
Because you like bull terriers, so I just thought I say hello . Because I'm a mix of it, among other things, just an upgraded version, perfected with some Jack Russell blood. From this, I have a wonderful shaped head, well hard, in every sense, patchy fur, spring in my butt and bigger ears than Dumbo.

Anyway, my name is Crowly, but I was already called Lego and now Pracli by Orsi, my foster family. Real identity disorder... But let's start a the beginning.
My story at the Noah shelter starts a years ago. I was hit by a car and arrived at the shelter with serious injuries. Again, the miracle vets saved me. After surgery, I got an infection but I was stronger and got healthy. Meanwhile, I arrived to Orsi's house, they took care of me. We have another dog and cats as well, and an adorable little girl and I love children. It's hard to tire them out, and yet I need tireless playing partners!
I spent there seven months and then finally came a candidate for adoption. Everything went well, I immediately fell in love with their other dog, I had two little friends, everything seemed perfect. Past six months, came Easter, but instead of Easter eggs, came the news that they don't want me anymore. So I had to go back to Orsi's, that made me too happy in her opinion, strange after 6 months with a family. In any case, everything was like before, although they have another dog, a weak snowwhity, called Kapocs, moreover, he only has three legs, well, I think, i will strike him easily, but i realized that he is not so weak at all. In addition, instead of barking like a real dog, he is scraming in my face if he is not happy, which makes me totally sick. But I noticed that sometimes we can play together, so i might try to be on good terms with him, because this little guy seems to handle.

But the point is: although I'm not a sensible one, but i would love to have a real home, where they treat me like my unique beauty needs to be treated. I'm not too demanding ... Unrestricted playing opportunity with abundant and varied food, if i would like to rest , only on bed or couch of course,with constant pats, preferably white someone humming in my ears to what a male beauty I am. My favorite is the hissing carrot toy , you must have a lot of it! Oh, and of course I'm an exceptionally smart dog, but Orsi thinks that i'm very subtle and a real clown. In school I could even learn anything, if I want of course, and Orsi also says that it would calm me down. Let's say it's impossible, but i can play with other colleagues. Orsi force me to write that sometimes I'm stroppy with other males. Slander! Obviously, I beat those loosers, I do not understand why is Orsi telling about that i should not attack five times biggers than me. Women, do not know that size doesn't matters ...

Anyway, now i'm one and a half years, I have all vaccinations, my injured foot was perfectly restored, and during the second surgery, when they packed out a complet iron estate from my leg, i was also castrated. I'm friendly, but i need time and patience to really accept someone into my heart. Although there is no braver dog than me in the whole world, I am sometimes scary, for example sudden noises, although I think any sane dog is afraid of hoover, no? I'm little afraid of writing it down but sometimes i urinate when i'm scared, so i'm the only one who can fright, understand me ?
So, i'm waiting for long lines of candidates! I'll send some pics of myself, to understand what i'm talking about.
He will be adopted fully vaccinated, chipped and castreted.

More pictures HERE!
Crowley's page: HERE!
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